
It seems like I’ve been neglecting this place as of late. I’d like to claim that my hardcore study habits were keeping away from the computer, but alas that’s not the whole truth, I’m just a horrid procrastinator with very little worth blogging about.
I have actually been studying a bit lately though! More than I ever did last year so I feel ever so slightly proud of myself. My mocks were before midterm and over all I was relatively happy with how they went. There were a few things that annoyed and frustrated me; like the MEB Geography exam, where they didn’t supply us with aerial photographs and the map grid references were wrong. And in the DEB chemistry exam where they asked us a question that certainly wasn’t covered in our textbook, and when I mentioned it to my teacher she said “Ah well, you should be able to figure it out”. What? No Miss, no. That is some serious overestimation of my intelligence there! Still, only the mocks. Not important. It’s not going to count towards anything, certainly not collage applications.
And even though I know that, I still think I’d be devastated if I didn’t do fairly well in them.
Some of the classes got their results back this week, but none of my subjects have emerged. It seems that no one has done particularly well, and a lot of people have failed. I heard one girl saying that her C1 in English was the highest in the class. I’m half dreading getting mine back. One part of me –the over confident side with a superiority complex- likes to think that I’m smarter than them, that I worked harder, that I’m at an advantage and that I definitely did better, maybe not all As but certainly nothing lower than a C. Another part of me isn’t so sure; maybe I’m not as smart as I think, I certainly could have worked harder and I made so many mistakes...I’m probably going to end up with worse results than I got last June.
I’m trying not to dwell on it; it’s more important to focus on the exams that count instead of carrying out post-mortems on tests that don’t matter. Easier said than done though.

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2 Response to "Mocks"

  1. Mazda 6 Turbo says:
    September 2, 2011 at 6:12 PM

    its nice to read a useful article for beginner like me. Some of points from this article are very helpful for me as I haven’t considered them yet. I would like to say thank you for sharing this cool article. Bookmarked and sharing for friends

  2. Anonymous Says:
    October 4, 2011 at 12:10 PM

    Pontiac Solstice Turbo
    Hat’s off. Well done, as we know that “hard work always pays off”, after a long struggle with sincere effort it’s done.

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